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Who we are

Examples of MSTC concluded projects and works

MSTC Engineering Ltd. is a brazilian company. Specialized in air conditioning and mechanical ventilation, commercial and industrial, hydraulic and electric engeneering, offers wide range of services: assembly and facilities, projects and consulting, conservation and maintenance.

Founded in 1992, its technical experts, engineers and consultants accumulate previous experience in different Air Conditioning Engineering companies, thus enabling history within the best quality standards, and its highly reliable services to customers.

Green certification

MSTC has in its team gratuated engineers with Lato Sensu and M.B.A. in Sustainable Buildings: Design and Performance, Consulting and Energy Efficiency Level Assessment of buildings - Procel / Inmetro.

According to UNEP, "construction sector consumes about 50% of all natural resources, accounts for 25-40% of energy consumption, 30 to 50% of solid waste generation and 30 to 40% of emissions of greenhouse effect. In the social sphere, the sector is also representative, especially in emerging countries, absorbing much of the unprepared hand labor considering the challenges of new times."

Sustainable buildings and enterprises, characterized by harmonized development with environment and communities of its influence, providing better pay back and social return to investors and owners, lower operating costs and, simultaneously, better health, comfort and productivity to their occupants.

Green buildings are usually designed taking into account five specific sections:

1) Energy Optimization / Use of Renewable Energy - Land cover and external coating materials;

2) Waste Management - Origin and Usage (Recycling);

3) Water - Source, rational use and waste minimization;

4) Sustainable Space - Preservation and restoration of biodiversity, reduction of light pollution and other, connectivity with community;

5) Internal Environment - Air Quality Management and Comfort, use of low-emission materials and natural lighting and vision.

